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Price per face- to- face session (1 hour):





For blocked booking of sessions, there will be a 10% reduction for five sessions and  20% price reduction for ten meetings.

There will also be a 10% discount for students holding valid NUS cards.

Working Hours


My working hours are 08.00- 20.00 7 days a week, and I am fully flexible within this time for face to face tuition.


I can offer online education through these hours also, but hours are extended until 22.00 for Skype sessions, but this also can be tailored to be longer.

Price per online session (1 hour):


The venue

Sessions will take place in a well presented, airy and spacious living room of my family home. Cold drinks and warm beverages shall be provided.

Outcall visits


I understand that the student may wish to be educated in the comfort of their home, but this is not always practical and can be non-conducive to study. However, if the student should wish me to make an outcall visit, this shall be taken as a double session to allow for transport times etcetera. This can be discussed in further detail.

Payment options

I accept payments via a secure online system (PayPal). Payments can also be made via cheque. If for whatever reason, neither of these options are viable then I will accept cash payments.


Payments can be made either after or before a single session. However, blocked bookings need to be prepaid for during the first meeting of the block.



Session Structure:

Each session will vary from student to student as sessions are as diverse as the students themselves. Taking into account the student's learning style. An initial meeting with the student will help me to assess at what level they are at and where I will be able to assist them in. Initial sessions will be geared towards the level at which the student is attaining currently, and then a faster pace, of one level above will ensue, helping the student to push themselves to reach their goals.

Students with additional needs...
I am patient and empathic and fully able to work around any additional needs that the student may have and can usually and make provisions. Whether it is the use of specific coloured paper or acetate overlays of different colours to aid in reading. If you have a particular need or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

A Typical Session:

A typical session would begin with a topic introduction, building upon the prior knowledge of the student, followed by building on this and filling in any gaps with course specific content for their chosen syllabus. Throughout the session, different and engaging activities such as one on one discussion, watching educational video clips, debating key concepts, filling out worksheets, note taking and study skills, exegetical readings of primary texts, such as scripture work etcetera  to engage, and educate. I will do a fair amount of work with past-papers where appropriate to continually assess where the student is at and to show progression. Theses classes will be designed to supplement and complement work at the young person's educational institution.


© 2016 by CHERRY TREE TUITION- Imran David Anwar. Proudly created with

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